teveno GmbH
teveno technology is a patented product of the company teveno GmbH
and is protected by the German Patent and Trademark Office.
Head office of the company:

Faber-Castell-Str. 16
D-90522 Oberasbach

Product management, production, development
Kiefernweg 13
D-68775 Ketsch

Fax: +49 (0) 6262 929 66 97

Ust-ID: DE 813 967 124
HRB 14286 Registergericht Fürth

Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV:
Joachim Herrmann, Managing Director teveno GmbH

Disclaimer – legal notice:

teveno GmbH reserves the right to change or update the information, products, or services offered on this website at any time without separate notice. This includes changes related to technological advancements or fashion considerations.

The photos posted on our website and the texts we have created are protected by copyright. Unauthorized copying and publication (even in part) will be prosecuted under § 97 UrhG (German Copyright Act) both criminally and civilly.

German law applies exclusively to any existing or future legal relationships, and only German courts have jurisdiction.

If there are legal reasons against further use of any of our domains or subdomains, we recommend refraining from issuing a formal warning (Abmahnung) and instead directly contacting us. In cases of unjustified, frivolous, and fraudulent warnings, our lawyer will promptly file a negative declaratory action or a lawsuit for fraudulent misrepresentation of facts.

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. teveno GmbH regularly checks and updates the information on its websites. Despite all diligence, the data may have changed in the meantime. Therefore, no liability or guarantee can be assumed for the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of the information.

Terms of use of the teveno site:
teveno GmbH provides these pages as a service for its customers. Please observe the following terms of use, which govern the use of our pages. Furthermore, note that by using our pages, you agree to the following guidelines. While you can „bookmark“ a specific part of these pages and potentially bypass this agreement, using these pages still binds you to these terms of use. teveno GmbH reserves the right to change the terms of use at any time.

All data, texts, images, designs, photographs, illustrations, and video clips are the property of teveno GmbH, unless otherwise stated. The pages as a whole and in their individual parts are protected by copyright. These pages and their entire content are intended for personal, not commercial, use only. If you unlawfully copy, you do not acquire any rights to the copied or downloaded materials. Reproducing, publishing, transmitting, distributing, displaying, modifying, and selling the entire or partial content of the pages is not permitted. This website contains links to websites set up by third parties. teveno GmbH has no control over the information, goods, or services offered there. Therefore, teveno GmbH assumes no responsibility – for any legal reason whatsoever – for the content of third-party websites.


Product Photos:
We expressly point out that the representation of products may deviate from the original.

We have made every effort to display the colors of our products as accurately as possible. The actual colors you see on your monitor depend on your screen. Therefore, we cannot guarantee color representations.